(click for home) Online Hosting Signup

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Day Phone Current Email Addr
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Please checkmark the services you wish to sign up for at this time. (The next page of this signup will provide spaces for your to provide the specifics of your request, such as your domain name, email usernames to assign to that domain, custom DNS entries, and passwords).

Domain name: [What's this?] Register this domain for me ($35).
additional email account(s): $5/ea per month         
additional custom DNS entries (dynamic or static) $5/ea per month (note: www.* and mail.* included with hosting)
Secure Neowebscript SSL (https:\\) hosting: form(s) or application(s) hosted on our SSL server
Online Credit Card Processing ($400 setup fee, 30 cents per transaction + 1.2% of $ amount)
Dynamis Online Store with Order Processing: $50/month
Dynamis SchoolWide® Online Teacher-Parent Grading/Communication System: $2/month per student

Questions on pricing or options? Please contact us at (713) 721-3126 or Send us a Message.